But what is it ?
No it’s not for a bicycle. No it’s not for a tank.
This is made for the proud users of a DIY 3D printer or a CNC.
This is a cable trunking chain; it is meant to hold a couple of cables and move them along with the X,Y or Z axis while keeping them out of the way of the mechanical parts.

Credits: RS components
All respectable DIY machine should have some of these 🙂
Even if they are not that expensive, they still represent “nice to have” features that will not fit into a tight budget.
This tutorial explains how to build them using a Laser cutter or… a 3D printer, but it will be much slower.
Adjust the dimensions
Using the OpenSCAD model, you’ll have to adjust the dimensions to fit the side of your cable/connector.
The cables must be freely passing through the internal opening of the chain.
- Adjust parameter
for the width, andH
for the height. - For the laser-cut model
- set
- set also the thickness
of your material, in mm.
- set
- For the 3D printed model
- set
- set
- Press
first for an overview. That will generate one inner link, and one outer link; they only differ by their width. - Press
to generate the final build.
Laser cut
the drawing to a DXF file… or your preferred 2D format.
Feed this file to your laser-cutter, cut as many as you need.
You’ll need some kind of glue for this. My preference goes for hot glue, as this is easy and solidifies quickly. However, it is a bit bulckier and generates some glue hairs.
Start with and inner link
OpenSCAD file
// laser cut model ? LC = false; // or true $fn = 36; // link step S = 36; // link width W = 40; // thickness T = 3; module link() { difference() { hull() { translate([ S/2,0]) circle(r=S/3); translate([-S/2,0]) circle(r=S/3); } translate([-S/2,0]) circle(r=S/6); // centering marks translate([S/2,0]) for (i=[0:3]) rotate(90*i) translate([S/6,-1/2]) square(1); // assembly slots for spacer translate([-S/8,S/3-2*T]) square([S/4,T]); translate([-S/8,-S/3+T]) square([S/4,T]); } } module spacer(L) { translate([-S/8,0]) square([S/4,L]); translate([-S/6,T]) square([S/3,L-2*T]); } module long_spacer() { spacer(W); } module short_spacer() { spacer(W-2*T-T/2); } module flat() { link(); translate([0,S]) link(); translate([1.5*S,0]) long_spacer(); translate([2*S,0]) short_spacer(); } module link_element_3D() { linear_extrude(T) link(); translate([S/2,0,T]) cylinder(r=S/6,h=T); } module big_link_3D() { color([0.7,0.5,0.1]) { translate([0,0,0]) rotate([-90,0,0]) link_element_3D(); translate([0,W,0]) rotate([90,0,0]) link_element_3D(); } color([0.7,0.6,0.2]) { translate([0,0,-S/3+T ]) linear_extrude(T) long_spacer(); translate([0,0, S/3-2*T]) linear_extrude(T) long_spacer(); } } module small_link_3D() { color([0.7,0.6,0.2]) { translate([0,T,0]) rotate([90,0,0]) link_element_3D(); translate([0,W-2*T-T/2-T,0]) rotate([-90,0,0]) link_element_3D(); } color([0.7,0.5,0.1]) { translate([0,0,-S/3+T ]) linear_extrude(T) short_spacer(); translate([0,0, S/3-2*T]) linear_extrude(T) short_spacer(); } } module model_3D(N) { for (i=[0:N-1]) translate([2*S*i,0,0]) { big_link_3D(); translate([S,T+T/4,0]) small_link_3D(); } } if (LC) model_3D(2); else flat();